Silver Oaks International Education Services
Silver Oaks International Education Services (SOIES) Group, with a Heritage in Education that is OVER A CENTURY OLD (since 1908) and spans FIVE generations, specializes in three areas:
- Education Management & Operations
- Teacher Training & Development
- Academic Research & Curriculum Development
Education Management & Operations
We currently own and operate 30 British Curriculum Pre-K to K-12 Schools as well as Canadian Montessori Curriculum Preschool with close to 7,000 pupils across three cities i.e. Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Southern Punjab( Gujrat, Gujranwala, Sialkot & Lahore) and Dubai. We specialize in delivering high-quality affordable education and have delivered success through three clear strategies:
- Commitment to curriculum based on extensive research;
- Combining best international and tested practices for global citizenship skill development;
- Consistently delivering against a highly distinguishable USP – providing high-quality-learning-focused-affordable cost-education for lifelong wellbeing.
Silver Oaks Schools & College
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Canadian Oaks Kindergarten
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Teacher Training & Development
Finnish-Pedagogy Teacher Training (TLF) Program
KOULU Education Group Limited, based out of Helsinki, is an expert organization providing first-class teacher education solutions, based on the best educational expertise from Finland. KOULU & SOIES have joined hands to deliver world class teaching-tools, through a structured program aimed at: Trainee Teachers; Class Teachers from ECE to Primary & Secondary; Education Leaders from 3-months to 12 months delivering face-on-face and remote training combined of up to 18 Modules with 250 hours of contact training and testing combined with 30 weeks of practical application and Global Community of Professionals (COP) support across South Asia & GCC. This TLF (Teach Like a Finn) Teacher Training Program offers Finland National Education Agency accredited certification and is targeting 10,000 Teachers impacting learning outcomes of 500,000 pupils over the next 3 years. For more information, visit our partner’s website:
Global Heathy Kids’ Program Education Training
We have pioneered, with over 100,000 student and teacher education hours, a new approach to Global Healthy Kids’ Program Education that, in partnership with Nestle, became a Global case study and was adopted by Nestle, world-wide. For more information, visit our partner’s website:
British Teacher Training Services
We are a certified “British Council Training Consultancy Service Provider” since 2014 and have delivered over 50,000 training hours to over 550 teachers across 35 schools. For more information on British Council, visit our partner’s website:
Our Educational Performance Credentials & Awards
Winner: 40 British Council International School Awards
Silver Oaks Schools & College: Connecting Classrooms for Global Citizenship Activity Sharing across 53 Countries at 105 International Schools (The British Council – November, 2015 (9 Awards – 14 Countries; 25 Schools); November 2017 (12 Awards; 14 Countries; 25 Schools); November 2019 (19 Awards; 25 Countries; 60 Schools).
Our Accredited Educational Research Papers
Exploring Teachers’ Perception on Successes and Challenges Associated with Digital Teaching Practice During COVID-19 Pandemic School Closures
Taimur, S., Sattar, H., & Dowd, E. (2021). Exploring Teachers’ Perception on Successes and Challenges Associated with Digital Teaching Practice During COVID-19 Pandemic School Closures. Pedagogical Research, 6(4), em0105. Published in October 2021.
Preschool Education: Foundation for Life Long Wellbeing
(Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Quality Education Entry Paper published by Springer, USA – 2019)
Education for Sustainable Development & Critical Thinking Competency
(Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Quality Education Entry Paper published by Springer, USA – 2019)
Getting Smart: Need to focus on creating an enabling environment structured around the objective of realizing the true potential of our next generations
(Journal on Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics: JSCI, Volume 14, Number 7, USA – 2016)
Educational Crisis in Pakistan: Clear & Present Danger
(Finance to Educate More, Session 1: Quantity Vs Quality, Oxfam & ITA – 2015)
Analyzing Impact of Formally Taught Life Skills’ Curriculum on Self Esteem and Thinking Skills of Early School Children
(The Sixth Asian Conference on Education, Japan – IAFOR, ACE 2014)
Strategic Alliance with Global Platforms
We collaborate resources to promote quality of various aspects of overall child development and wellbeing education with: